Week of 16 Jan 2022 Officer O'Keefe's niece said the couple had a fight and "she heard the victim tell the defendant that their relationship had run its course and that it isn't healthy.”
**28 Jan 2022 -
Friday** 7:37 PM Officer O'Keefe is seen on CCTV arriving at CF McCarthy's in Canton, MA.
8:51 PM Karen Read arrives per CCTV, CF McCarthy’s.
8:58 PM Bartender hands KR a class containing clear liquid with lime.
9:15 PM “ “
9:20 PM “ “
9:33 PM “ “
9:57 PM “ “ + hands her a shot glass containing clear liquid.
10:22 PM Bartender gives KR a glass containing clear liquid with line.
10:40 PM JO + KR leave CF McCarthy’s together. KR is has her drink in her right hand as they exit.
10:54 PM JO + KR arrive at the Waterfall Bar.
29 Jan 2022 - Saturday 12:10 AM KR exits the Waterfall Bar via the front door accompanied by 2 women. JO follows moments later after taking a sip from his glass. He carries the drink out in his right hand.
12:11 AM JO joins KR; his is still carrying the glass.
12:14 AM Sends text to Jennifer McCabe, “Where to?” She replies with address her brother in law - 34 Fairview.
12:15 AM An SUV appearing to be KR’s Lexus is seen on CCTV traveling past the Canton Town Library.
12:17 AM SUV on CCTV traveling past Temple Beth Abraham toward the intersection of Washington and Dedham streets.
12:18 AM JO calls JMc; allegedly asks for more specific directions.
12:29 AM A call from JMc to Officer O’Keefe was allegedly answered.
12:31 AM JMc texts “Hello” to JO.
12:40 AM JMc texts “pull up behind me” to JO. Her car was alleged to be in the driveway. She said that she subsequently watched the black SUV move from its initial place near the driveway, to the far left side of the property, near a flagpole and fire hydrant and where JO was subsequently found.
12:45 AM JMc texts “Hello” to JO (again.) She watched as the black SUV drove away.
Between 1:30-2:00 AM Julie Nagle is driven home by Matt & Jennifer McCabe. She “indicated that she thought she saw something, she described as a dark object, in the snow by the flagpole, but could not determine what it was.”
4:53 AM JMc receives call from JO’s niece at KR’s instruction because JO hasn’t come home. JMc says she last saw JO at the Waterfall Bar and saw them leave together.
5:00 AM KR calls another friend, Kerry Roberts, & says she’s worried because JO didn’t come home. According to the prosecution, KR also said, "I wonder if he's dead. It's snowing, he got hit by a plow.”
5:11 AM Library CCTV captures large, black SUV turning onto Washington Street toward the Waterfall Bar.
5:15 AM The same camera captures the SUV traveling in the opposite direction, toward the temple.
5:18 AM A camera at the temple captures the SUV as it passes.
5:30 AM KR & Roberts arrive at JMc’s home. KR is described as being “hysterical.” JMc drives Karen back to JO’s house in Karen’s Lexus; K. Roberts follows in her own car. JMc says Karen spent the drive asking, “Could I have hit him?" "Did I hit him?" and told her about a cracked taillight on the Lexus SUV.
the 3 get in K. Roberts car upon return to JO’s house; depart again to search for JO. K. Roberts said it was snowing heavily with poor visibility when they arrived at 34 Fairview but she noted that KR immediately said she saw JO when the other women could not see him lying in the snow.
6:04 AM JMc places 911 call, reporting Officer O’Keefe found in the snow.
? Sergeant Lank (Canton PD) is said to be the first officer to on scene. He said he arrived and saw three women waving at him from the front yard, near a flagpole and fire hydrant. Two of the women were performing CPR on the victim. The officer observed the victim was cold to the touch and was not breathing. Footage from a camera attached to the officer's cruiser shows dark, blizzard conditions. A Canton firefighter who responded to the 911 call said she witnessed KR telling her friend repeatedly, "I hit him, I hit him, I hit him.
7:50 AM Officer J. O’Keefe pronounced dead at Good Samaritan Medical Centre.
9:08 AM KR’s blood is drawn at Good Samaritan Medical Center. A forensic toxicologist said it revealed her blood alcohol content was .07% - .08% and opined that around the time of 12:45 a.m., her BAC would have been between .13% and .29%.
4:30 PM Massachusetts State Police troopers arrive at the Dighton, MA home of KR’s parents. They observe her black Lexus SUV parked outside the garage door with a shattered taillight.