April 3, 2024:
- 34 prospective jurors were called. They were broken into smaller groups for voir dire.
Juror 823 (male)
Juror 1198 (male)
Juror 1204 (male)
Juror 1242 (male)
Juror 1251 (female)
Juror 1320 (male)
Juror 1332 (female)
Juror 1358 (male)
Juror 1365 (female)
Juror 1378 (male)
Juror 1379 (female)
Juror 1389 (male)
Juror 1392 (male)
Juror 1424 (male)
Juror 1535 (male)
Juror 1541 (female)
Juror 1585 (female)
- Juror 1198: Challenge for Cause - Prosecution. (Hardship)
- Started a job recently. Two concerns - recently starting a job he only has access to the person he’s replacing for a few weeks. The knowledge he should be learning will be leaving with the person. Is only compensated for 2 weeks of jury service. Sole provider, has four children. Two children doing soccer. Was going to do a triathlon but dropped out.
- Juror 1242: Challenge for Cause - Prosecution. (Hardship)
- Didn’t list any hardships in his questionnaire. Didn’t fully realize the implications of the time involved. Two concerns. Hardship of work. Spoke with HR and they grant him the time off to attend they do not compensate him. 8 - 10 weeks would be a $25,000+ loss. He is 63, single, and that would have a high impact on his retirement and personal savings. In June he was diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus, an autoimmune disorder. Certain triggers cause flareups. Can result in hair loss, rashes, fatigue, nausea, and inability to participate in pretty much anything. The stress and anxiety would potentially impact the disease which could make him unable to participate. A bad day for him could last 3, 5, 7 days. Has had 3 flareups since June. One was two months. Last one he experienced was February of this year, a 5-7 day stint. He has no control over it. He manages his diet and lifestyle to avoid stressful situations, sunlight, heat, and exhaustion. Has an elderly dog who has an englarged heart. She is on her last year. Requires medication two times a day. Works from home. If he needed to go to an office he would need to go on disability. Could provide a written doctor’s note about his disease.
- Juror 1332: Challenge for Cause - Defense. (Hardship)
- Her hardship is her husband. He is the sole provider. They don’t know anyone else there. He works in the middle of nowhere. He’s on a specific diet. She prepares and packs all of his food for however long he will be gone. He’s basically always on call. When a machine breaks he has to go. She can’t definitely say that the court schedule will allow her to do this. He works in Oregon, Washington, Nevada, California, and Idaho. Can get a call anytime. Works on giant machines that transfer power to the utilities. Two plants he takes care of in Idaho, all the other plans are at least 6 hours, one way, away. He can’t prepare his own meals and adhere to his strict diet. He can’t just hop in the car and go to town and get a sandwich. He’s on a special diet and can’t eat out. He gets sick when he does. She works really hard to keep him healthy and keep them going. He’s older now and it would be nice if he would be able to retire when he turned 65 but that’s not the case anymore. Has been together with her husband almost 45 years. Couldn’t handle the sequestration. Being away from a lifelong partner. Distracted about how her husband’s health is doing.
- Juror 1535: Challenge for Cause - Prosecution. (Hardship)
- Concerned about providing for his family taking this time off. Worries about paying the mortgage. Has no vacation time to use until the end of the summer. Does not know work’s compensation policy. Small business, about 20 employees. Wife works part time.
- Juror 1541: Challenge for Cause - Prosecution. (Hardship)
- Concerned with work. A team of three, something about an administrator, a temp, and surgery. Coworker will be out for three weeks. Concerned about her team at work. Training a new administrator on April 8th. Works for [?] county highway district. Administrator left. Other technician has back surgery on April 18th. Will be really shorthanded. Stepdaughter has a graduation on Friday in Twin Falls.
- Juror 1585: Challenge for Cause - Prosecution. (Hardship)
- Didn’t think it would be a hardship because she thought she could finish her semester online. Full time college student, wants to finish the semester because she has only one more to go. She would have to delay graduation for another semester. Cannot take courses online. Semester ends beginning of May. Has a 3-year-old son.
Correcting Questionnaires
- Juror 1332: Wasn’t feeling well when they filled out the questionnaire. Looking back now [bad audio.]
- Juror 1378: [bad audio] something about the paid time off policy for jury duty at work.